Monthly Archives: December 2011

Christmas on Camomile

Camomile's Christmas tree with presents

We arrived in Auckland 22nd December and I got busy cleaning the boat, washing bedding, making beds, filling the cupbaords and fridges with food and putting up a Christmas tree complete with lights and presents under it. 

Kate, Barry, Will and Daisy arrived safely on the 24th despite Christchurch having another rumble the day before and the present pile grew bigger.

A big pile of presents


Kate and Barry on Christmas morning

Kate had done stocking for everyone

A stocking for Seabitch Sue

Christmas morning saw everyone opening presents 

and one for Barnacle Bill


Barry had a stocking - or was it a pair of tights!


Daisy and Will had blowers in their stockings


Will and Daisy play with their new notebooks

When our boys were young we spent Christmas morning playing games or building lego these days the kids were busy programming their notebooks.

The table ready for Christmas dinner

I cooked Christmas dinner for 8 people in my little oven.  I had a turkey on the bottom shelf with the ham sitting between it’s legs wrapped in foil.  I also cooked sausages wrapped in bacon on the top shelf.  Sara and Norman from Norsa joined us and brought some delicious roast potatoes and roast sweet potatoes.  I also cooked carrots with peas and brocolli.  Unfortunately it’s the wrong season here for brussel sprouts.

8 for Christmas dinner

Norman anchored Norsa and we tied Camomile to her.  All was going well but right in the middle of our dinner something passed us very fast leaving a wash in his wake.  Norsa and Camomile went into a big roll.  Lucky the spreaders weren’t together but Norsa’s mast hit our rigging breaking their wind instruments.  Luckily we all had lots of fenders up.  Bill and Norman got things sorted and came back to join us for the fantastic fruit salad Sara had prepared to go with Barry’s clotted cream.  Yum yum.

Norsa and Camomile tied together

After lunch Will decided to take a swim

ready steady


go for it Will




Kate and Daisy joined him

Happy Christmas to everyone

We watched the sun set over Auckland as we drunk our sundowners